Una partitura feminista transversal
We are happy to start a new virtual exhibition called ‘A transversal feminist score’ (in Spanish: «Una partitura feminista transversal»), curated by our MIA Europe program curator Semíramis González @semiramis_glez & Paula Seoane, showcasing the work of five women artists: Cristina Toledo @cristoledobravo, Sandra Paula Fernández @sandrapaulafernandez, Marina Vargas @marinavargas_studio, Agnes Essonti @essonti and Alejandra Glez @alejandraglezvisual_artist
We would also like to share that we are really happy for the launch of our new 3D virtual space inside the MIA Anywhere Virtual Museum, with new architecture and offering a new experience to our viewers and followers. #architecture #virtual
Go to miaanywhere.com to see more about this virtual exhibition, which is going to be available NOW until June 30th! Don’t miss it! #mia #miaanywhere #virtual #exhibition #semiramisgonzalez #paulaseoane #cristinatoledo #sandrapaulafernandez #marinavargas #agnesessonti #alejandraglez